About the Bach Flower Remedies

During the early 1930's, a Harley Street physician, Dr. Edward Bach, discovered a complete system of healing prepared from the wild plants, flowers and trees of the countryside. He found 38 flowers to cover the 38 negative states of mind from which he identified mankind can suffer.

This course provides a straightforward overview and guide to the Bach Flower system and the 38 remedies. It is ideal for both beginners and as a reference for those already familiar with the subject.

The 38 Remedies

The following topics are covered in this course:

Introduction and brief history

Summary of the remedies

Remedy selection

Remedy preparation and administration

What is Visual Learning Academy

An Introduction

The Visual Learning Academy teaching method

Visual Learning Academy primarily uses Mind Maps as a visual aid to learning. Mind Maps provide a concise and effective to learn, revise or supplement your study material. It is also a quick way to provide an overview of a subject if you are not already familiar.

The Mind Maps are presented in a video format in short but engaging presentations for optimal learning. This is perfect for Visual Spatial learners who use pictures, images, and spatial understanding to learn. 

More about Mind Maps

A mind map is a visual representation of information that includes a central idea surrounded by connected branches of associated topics. They allow students to build connections between topics and sub-topics. Mind mapping encourages students to begin with the central idea then expand outward to more in-depth details.

Benefits of Mind Maps:

1.      Make it easy to organize ideas and concepts

2.     Create better understanding of relationships and connections

3.      Provide visual images for better recall of information

4.      Create structure for notes and revision

5.      Help students to brainstorm and explore related ideas

Other learning aids provided for you

If you feel you are not primarily a visual learner, then more learning aids are available to suit your preferred learning style. Whether you are an Aural learner (normally learn best through verbal presentations like lectures and speeches) or a Verbal learner (prefer using words, both in speech and writing) - we have you covered!

The following learning aids are available to supplement your learning:


Stunning eBooks which cover the same material as the course and which can be downloaded and printed, or can be read on your mobile, PC or tablet.

Music Slides

Studies show that when classical music is played in the background, it puts students in a heightened emotional state, making them more receptive to information. We use this in our combination of presentation slides and classical music (we call this Medituition™) to further help your learning process.


Listen to the audio version of the Mind Map videos for convenient listening when you are on the move, or if you prefer audio to video.